Every day, organizations in every industry are turning to advanced, cloud-based software to help manage the changing needs of a dynamic workforce. This includes time & attendance software, which can help managers and leaders track and analyze time-on-the-clock data, and utilize key information to create schedules, help control costs, and measure productivity. Great—but how does […]
Read More >Employee Experiences Matter
- nettime solutions staff

As business owners, managers, and employees we all know one truth: the heart and force of a business is its people. The more motivated and engaged the individuals are in your company, the greater the success of the employee’s career and personal well-being, and the greater the success of the business. Creating an exceptional work experience for employees is the start to this success.
It begins before you hire them.
That’s right. Creating a great employee experience means providing a great experience for individuals looking to join your business. Start by creating an easy to navigate website and application process. When applications begin to roll in, follow up with each job candidate by acknowledging that you have received his application and will contact him. Conduct an efficient interview, and be straightforward regarding when you will let him know whether or not he is offered the job. If you have to communicate that he will not be offered the position, give specific areas that would need to be improved in order to have offered him the job. These individuals will either enter the onboarding program completely engaged and excited by the great experience you have provided, or they will continue on their job search with respect for your company.
You’ve got the people, how do you provide a great experience?
Encourage the team aspect of working. Not everyone will always get along, but if everyone is motivated they can find common ground and work toward the same goal.
Perks. I’m not saying everyone needs to be like the big tech companies offering in-office bowling alleys, endless free food, and free concierge services. But casual Fridays, extra PTO in exchange for exceeding a goal, or a company-sponsored event can go a long way.
And last, make administration tasks easy. From clocking in and out, and submitting expense reports, to accessing co-workers schedules, and requesting time off, the experience that these tasks provide can impact your employees’ days.
Creating a great employee experience doesn’t only contribute to developing a happy, productive employee who is proud to work for your business. It creates a stronger brand. Consumers are looking to support businesses they believe in — businesses that do the right thing. All of this helps to attract and retain top talent, bringing us back full circle o the employees you haven’t hired yet.
Are you providing a great employee experience? Sit down with your employees, or send them an anonymous survey, and ask each of them, “What makes you happy to work here? What makes you unhappy? What would make you happier?” Gain insight from your employees to improve their experience.