Many of today’s companies recognize that their employees are the key to their success. Whether their people help drive innovation, create great customer experiences, or follow through on efficiencies, engaged and productive workers typically lead to a successful business. Right now, retaining employees is a hot topic. The Right Point System is a Reward In […]
Read More >Top 3 Ways To Forecast Schedules With Time And Attendance Software
- nettime solutions staff

It’s hard to believe it’s almost the end of summer. 🙁
This doesn’t just pertain to retail and seasonal shopping. Rather, the pace of business picks up across the board with the prevalence of conferences, continuing education opportunities, and end-of-year budget usage
Here are the top 3 ways you can predict operational needs and create forecast schedules with a cloud based time and attendance software.
Look at last year’s numbers and a few years before.
We may not be ready to let go of picnics (and double scoops of ice cream), but we are looking forward to the fall. That’s because for most businesses, the last four months of the calendar year are typically the busiest. In a single, easy-to-read bar chart, pull together different periods of time and attendance data and compare Scheduled vs. Actual Hours Worked. Understaffed in 2013, but overstaffed in 2014? This year you can hit your staffing sweet spot.
Analyze the time spent across the custom categories you had set up.
Depending on your type of business, you may have time filters labeled for Department, Location, Project, Customer Account, etc. Everyone’s wording may be different but the principle is the same: How is time being used? Labor analytics can help you identify when your staffing needs are greatest and where.
Create a highly visual schedule.
This can help you prepare a payroll budget. Workforce management is also greatly enhanced because you’re not only bringing on extra people (or moving existing staff around), but you know exactly when and where to deploy them.