Every worker loves new technology, right? Not quite. The truth is, even in today’s business world, where certain segments seem dominated by news of an ‘always on’ culture, adopting and training on new technology can be daunting for plenty of employees. Training Employees on New Time & Attendance Software Perhaps you’ve recently added one or […]
Read More >Better Payroll Days Ahead with Automated, Cloud-Based Time and Attendance [video]
- nettime solutions staff
Processing payroll may not be a day at the beach, but it doesn’t have to be a chore. According to the IRS, 33% of employers make costly payroll errors each year that result in billions of dollars in penalties. Why does this happen? We all know that payroll isn’t just about adding up the hours an employee works over a period of time, multiplying those hours by a rate, and then cutting the employee a check. There is a seemingly endless list of variables to factor in, such as local, state and federal labor law compliance (such as the ACA); PTO accruals; job costing; expense tracking for items such as tips or uniform deductions; and the list goes on and on. Multiply all of that by different pay policies for different groups of employees, and take into account union versus non-union workers, and the payroll process becomes even more complicated. In this free webinar, nettimesolutions will show you how using automated, cloud-based time and attendance with web service integrations will convert your payroll processing chores into big wins for your company by eliminating errors, improving productivity, and maintaining data integrity so that payday is a great day for everyone involved.