Every worker loves new technology, right? Not quite. The truth is, even in today’s business world, where certain segments seem dominated by news of an ‘always on’ culture, adopting and training on new technology can be daunting for plenty of employees. Training Employees on New Time & Attendance Software Perhaps you’ve recently added one or […]
Read More >Happy Spring … Cleaning?
- nettime solutions staff

With the first day of spring we welcome sunshine (or hopes of it), the start of baseball, and time spent outdoors with friends and family. Among all of the carefree activities spring brings, is the more laborious spring-cleaning.
For our personal lives, this means weeding out closets, finally organizing the garage, and clearing out the junk mail from our inboxes. But as we all know clutter is too friendly to limit itself to just our personal lives, so it welcomes itself into our professional lives as well.
When it comes to time and attendance, keeping data organized and up-to-date is crucial. Incorrect data, or data that is discovered too late, can create extra work and lead to mistakes costing more than just your hourly rate to do the re-work. Businesses still using paper time sheets can look forward to many spring-cleaning tasks, such as: re-organizing folders of paper timesheets by archiving old documents, completing the backlog of vacation and personal time off requests that has continued to build, and amending any errors that occurred from incorrect calculations, adjusted time worked or missed data.
When you integrate a SaaS like stratustime, you virtually eliminate the need for spring-cleaning … for time and attendance that is. The possibility of losing paper documents is irrelevant. Need to re-organize schedules? It’s much easier to do if it only involves a few clicks. And as for errors, you can be alerted before an employee reaches overtime, and accurately forecast how many vacation hours the employee will have available by the time he takes that week off for his family reunion.
Leave phrases like spring-cleaning for the dust bunnies, and enjoy work just a little more.