Every worker loves new technology, right? Not quite. The truth is, even in today’s business world, where certain segments seem dominated by news of an ‘always on’ culture, adopting and training on new technology can be daunting for plenty of employees. Training Employees on New Time & Attendance Software Perhaps you’ve recently added one or […]
Read More >Software Stickiness in the HR Industry
- Trever Fischer

It’s easy to focus on user-experience or product features when choosing a software solution for your HR team, and ignore one of the most important (but least sexy) considerations: longevity.
The latest greatest HR product quickly becomes a bad choice if the company that produced it goes under, or shifts to producing a different technology. You’ve invested thousands of dollars or more in a solution, trained your HR team, and used valuable IT resources to integrate the product into your current systems—and now you have to go back to the drawing board.
Having to switch vendors for a piece of software that your employees use, like time & attendance software, is a particularly expensive hit to your budget. Not only does management need to be retrained on the software, but every single employee does too.
What to Look for in a Software Vendor Partner for your HR Suite
Professional employer organizations (PEOs), and enterprise resource planning solutions like Netsuite, looking to add software products to their solutions must deeply consider the stickiness of a product. How long has the company been supporting a particular software solution? How deep are its integration options? How flexible and well-established are its APIs?
The last thing a software vendor wants is to have to extricate a client from a smaller piece of its larger software suite. The vendor already has a low ROI on a small piece of a larger package. But to a client that piece of software is absolutely essential.
Software Support is Especially Important in HR
Software companies and their teams tend to have a singular focus on the product development cycle, and can lose sight of what happens to a product after it’s out in the market. Institutional knowledge can easily be forgotten, especially when a partner goes to sell a product that it didn’t develop in the first place.
Strong software support is increasingly becoming a rare, priceless, and totally overlooked commodity. Ask questions about how a vendor manages support early in the consideration process. Look for support based in the U.S. who is singularly focused on a specific piece of software.